Wolf Hamster
Quick Link: Original Version
Added Date: *July 8, 2012
Genres: Action, Drama, & Fantasy
Rating: A (For Anyone)
Note: The one small chapter includes a character that has a gun and aims it at another but no shooting is involved.
Wolf Hamster is about a female hamster named Lilly who ends up meeting a strange hamster named Mike who is in fact half
hamster and half wolf. A species called a Wolf Hamster. The idea came to me in 2009 and started typing the chapters in 2010.
Yeah it is kind of old but I usually type in some chapters and then forget about it and work on it until months later XD Which is
why the first Section wasn't done until 2012.
*The original was added to it's mini site on July 8, 2012 but the story and the mini site didn't get announced on MPS until Sept 17th of the same year.
When Melon's Personal Site was around I hosted my stories through mini sites that linked to MPS. Chapter 10 was added to Melon's Stories, along with Icy's Nightmare on Oct 12, 2015.
Wolf Hamster (both versions) are inspired by my interest for the anime called Hamtaro (along with the manga, video games, etc.) except it's really different compared to the two, one is that the story is set in a world where the hamsters replace people. Hamsters and Bat-Hams (with them only appearing in the remake) never run on all fours but Wolf-Hams do, like real life hamsters. Bat-Hams don't run on all fours since their front paws become wings when they're transformed and aren't four legged. There is one thing (maybe so far as my ideas for the remake progresses) where hamsters taking the role of people in real life differ; hamsters usually don't wear clothes but can during a certain time. Something else also inspired me to create Wolf Hamster, which also connects to what inspired me to create Penny: The Winged Hamster; I was inspired by the character of that same friend of mine (who hasn't been a friend for a very long time) to create the Wolf Hamsters (starting with Mike who ended up being a copy cat of his character).
Remake Version
Typed Date: July 25, 2019 (Started)
Added Date: Nov 16, 2021
Genres: Action, Drama, Horror, & Fantasy
Rating: T (For Teenagers and Up)
Note: Contains a transformation scene that might be too intense for children. Has bad language (Ch 1) and there will be blood starting in a future chapter.
An old story of mine (Wolf Hamster) makes a come back but this time it's not suitable for anyone to read. It is a lot better and the wolf form of the Wolf-Ham characters are now a combination of wolf and hamster than just being an average wolf. It has the same story line but is an updated version of it and the main character, Miles, isn't a copy cat of someone else's character. That someone's character is what brought me to creating Wolf Hamster in the first place, with the copy cat (Mike) gone, Miles is more like a character that is inspired instead. Unlike the original, this version has more to it that I was planning to bring to the original back then but lost interest in keeping it up (and I can see why..). Another difference is that Lilly's personality has been moved from being a happy go lucky hamster to a mature one, who wants more company than just her brother since her dad is gone, looking for their missing mom. When she meets Miles, she becomes very happy to have him around. The rating for this version has gone up since if the original kept going then blood would be involved because of the Bat Monsters (Now they're gonna be known as Bat Hamsters). A story that contains blood isn't for children, if I used tomato juice or something else then it would be.
I actually gained my interest in working on this story back! Though since I made many changes it's a remake, so this version will be called; Wolf Hamster: The Remake. I've been retyping the completed chapters since July of last year (2019). The main character, Mike, has a new name change; his name is Miles now and has a new look as well (he has brown and orange fur now :D). I'm also planning on creating new chapters from the short descriptions that I wrote for chapter 11 - 16, the chapters that never came in the original. Enjoy this wonderful news cause I'm happy that I'm able to bring it back with a new and better look :3
Wolf Hamster Bonus (Original Only)
Bonus Picture! :D Along with a summary about it.

Click for Full View
Made in 2010. This was the beginning of Wolf Hamster, though it was called Beast Hamster back then. All of the character's
pictures were the first drawings of them, except for Mike. With this picture, the appearances of Skyler and The Hunter have
been finally seen, though The Hunter was just named Hunter back then. I made profile pictures for them using this picture.
Slador was the second villain in Wolf Hamster (with The Hunter being the first), he may not look like it but he's suppose to be
half hamster and half dragon.. but this is the only picture of Slador since a wolf hamster would have a hard time battling a dragon
hamster.. so I ditched him. But I did think up of a better second villain, that is a bat hamster (half hamster and half bat) who
I called Victor, I never drew him though.
Characters (Remake)
Profile images are unable at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I won't include birthdates for the characters in the remake since I only added them in the original for Mike and Lilly anyways. It's also not necessary to me anymore.
Name: Miles
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Crush: Unknown
Species: Wolf Hamster
Fur Color: Brown with Orange Stripes
Home: The Forest beside Lilly and Skyler's Home
Relatives: Dad (name is N/A)
Mom (name is N/A)
First Appearance: Chapter 1: No Ordinary Hamster
Appears In: All Chapters
Miles is one of the main characters and the star of the story. Being a Wolf Hamster, he ends up having to live in the forest for the fact that every time the moon is out, he transforms. He's shy and lies in order for things to go his way, like when Lilly asks him a question. Though this back fires when she knows he's lieing or is acting weird, then it becomes hopeless and he stops it. Despite the fact that he keeps leaving after sunset and is mysterious around her, he slowly gains a friend in Lilly. Miles is curious and his curiousity got the best of him when he first saw the blond haired hamster. Unlike Mike, being the star of the original, Miles is only sometimes angry. Having less of a temper than him. Not knowing what he is at first until later on when the things that he ends up doing and still does make sense. He's later on known to be a bitten Wolf Hamster, because of being bitten by another Wolf-Ham. The title points to him with being a Wolf Hamster. He's the replacement for Mike in the original.
His name comes from the main character in the movie, AXL. In short it's about a robot dog that I saw on Netflix, a boy who's name is Miles befriends the robot. At first he was known as 'new Mike' and changed some things to not make him look like him; He has two tiger stripes that are on the middle of his head, made his scratch mark as three lines that go slanted, his one ear is bitten more with the top part being gone and is on the opposite side compared to Mike. Using orange for his tiger stripes might've came from my other character, Aaron from Melon's Adventures. Who usually has orange and yellow feathers but on a full moon they become brown.
Name: Lilly
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Crush: Unknown
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: White
Home: A House beside the Forest
Relatives: Dad (Benjamin)
Mom (Elizabeth)
Brother (Skyler)
First Appearance: Chapter 1: No Ordinary Hamster
Appears In: All Chapters
Lilly is one of the main characters of the story. Despite her not being the star of the story, she appears before Miles and gets more than plenty of screen time, just like him. She's a brave and mature counterpart of the original Lilly and doesn't get as happy as her but she does have a good amount of it. Being interested in a certain hamster that she finds in the forest, Lilly wants Miles to someday be her friend. Despite him being unsure about this, she keeps treating him with kindness and is willing to stay with him. She has a young brother named Skyler who bothers her a lot. Even though he gets on her nerves she still loves him. Lilly owns lots of ribbons but her favorite one is the blue ribbon that she always wears. She wears a pink nightgown to bed and hasn't been able to go to school because of her dad trying to find her missing mom. Being the oldest of the siblings, she ends up having to stay home in order to take care of Skyler while he's away. It's known later on that she has friends from school and misses them.
Name: Skyler
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Species: Hamster
Fur Colors: White and Brown
Home: A House beside the Forest
Relatives: Dad (Benjamin)
Mom (Elizabeth)
Sister (Lilly)
First Appearance: Chapter 1: No Ordinary Hamster
Appears In: Chapter 2 - 5
Skyler is the young brother of Lilly. His fur is mostly white, except for his brown ears and a brown fur marking near his bottom. He wears a green baseball hat that he wears backwards. Skyler looks up to Lilly, like she's his mom because of their mom disappearing when he was a baby. Not knowing what his mom looks like, except for the pictures of her. He loves playing video games and usually plays them in the living room but he also does this in his bedroom. This causes him for Lilly to call him a video game nerd when introducing him to Miles. Being afraid of wolf howls and knowing that Miles did them, starting in Chapter 2, he ends up having a hard time when he finds out from his sister that he's staying with them. This makes him afraid of him as well but he's able to turn his fear into comfort. Later on he's seen playing soccer with his sister.
Name: The Hunter
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Gray
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: Dark Brown
Home: N/A
Relative/s: N/A
First Appearance: Chapter 2: The Hunter
He's the rough hunter who appears in Chapter 2. He wears a fishing hat with a feather in it and a hunter's camouflage coat, and carries a gun of course. The Hunter may have an actually name in a future chapter but since I couldn't think of one I left it alone. He's rude but he cares about others; giving Lilly a warning on what Miles could do since he knows about Wolf Hamsters. He ends up coming to the same forest that's near Lilly and Skyler's home, this makes Miles territoral. Finding out what he really is, the young Wolf Hamster is close to getting shot.. but Lilly butts in and saves him. The Hunter has changed his look in a few places since I'm not pleased with everything that I added when I drew him in his old profile. These are those changes; The ends of his whiskers aren't jagged and there are no bite marks on his ears so their normal.
Name: Benjamin
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Green
Wife: Elizabeth
Species: Hamster
Fur Colors: White and Brown
Home: A House beside the Forest
Relatives: Wife (Elizabeth)
Daughter (Lilly)
Son (Skyler)
First Appearance: Chapter 5: Back from the Search
Appears In: Chapter 6: Dommin and the Night of Terror
Benjamin is Lilly and Skyler's dad, who went looking for their mom but couldn't find her. He was gone but came home in Ch 5. He got her out of school in order to take care of her brother while he was out searching
for their missing mom but since he came back, Lilly is able to go back to school very soon. Despite the fact that he didn't want to come home until his wife was found, he came back home since he became worried about his children. He has the same fur colors like Skyler
and the brown parts are like his son's as well, except his eyes are green and he's obviously bigger, being older than him. He goes by Ben or Benjamin, giving anyone two options when calling him. When being introuced to Miles, Ben is actually better off with him than
Lilly thought since he looks at it as a 'this is what happens when I take my daughter away from school' thing but is more concerned that he's a male. It's unknown at the moment if he lets Miles live with them or not (and Lilly didn't ask either) but despite that the Wolf-Ham
does spend some time at his home.
His name comes from the rock band; Breaking Benjamin, part of band's title comes from their lead singer Benjamin Burnley. Breaking Benjamin is one of my favorite bands ^^
Chapters (Remake)
Symbol Guide |
" " |
Talking |
' ' |
Thoughts |
Italicize |
Strong Words |
( ) |
Things that happened in the Past |
[ ] |
Author's notes |
Chapter 1 - 3
Chapter 4 & 5
Since the original chapters are short, they have been put together in more than one chapter with the remake. Chapter 1 - 4 covers the original, while 5 starts the new set of chapters that are based on old chapter summaries from the original in Section 2.
1st Chapter: Covers the first two paragraphs for chapter 1 and the first paragraph of chapter 2. It uses the same title as the original's chapter 1.
2nd Chapter: Covers the rest of chapter 2 and all the paragraphs for chapter 3 and 4. Uses chapter 2's title of the original.
3rd Chapter: Covers chapter 5, 6, and 7. Uses chapter 5's title of the original.
4th Chapter: Covers chapter 8, 9, and 10. Uses chapter 9's title of the original.
5th Chapter: Starts to cover old chapter summaries from the original. The story line comes from Chapter 11: Home from the War.
Name: Mike
Gender: Male
Birthdate: March 27
Star Sign: Aries
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: Unknown
Crush: Unknown
Species: Wolf Hamster
Fur Color: Brown with Dark Brown Markings
Mike is the main character. He doesn't have a good beginning with Lilly but as the story goes on, he soon
becomes friends with her. Before meeting Lilly, he used to live in the woods because of him being a Wolf
Hamster and transforming into a wolf every night. His bad past and the years he spent living in the woods
is the cause to the rough start with Lilly. His past is unknown at first but soon a few parts are revealed as
the story continues.
Name: Lilly
Gender: Female
Birthdate: May 11th
Star Sign: Taurus
Eye Color: Green
Height: Unknown
Crush: Unknown
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: White
Lilly is the second main character. She's a happy go lucky hamster who ends up being friends with Mike. She has
a young bother named Skyler who bothers her a lot. Even though he gets on her nerves she still loves him. She's
proud for what she believes in and does what ever she can to help. Lilly owns lots of ribbons but her favorite one is
the blue ribbon that she always wears.
Name: Skyler
Gender: Male
Birthdate: Unknown
Star Sign: Unknown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: Unknown
Crush: Unknown
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: White and Brown
Skyler is the young brother of Lilly. His fur is mostly white, except for his brown ears and a brown fur marking near his bottom.
He wears a blue baseball hat that he wears backwards. Skyler looks up to Lilly, like she's his mom because of their mom disappearing
when he was a baby. Not knowing what his mom looks like, except for the pictures of her. It's known in Chapter 3 that he's
afraid of wolf howls.
Name: The Hunter
Gender: Male
Birthdate: Unknown
Star Sign: Unknown
Eye Color: Grey
Height: Unknown
Crush: Unknown
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: Dark Brown
He's the rough hunter who appears in Chapter 2. He wears a camouflage fishing hat with a feather in it and a hunter's camouflage coat that
is long as a trench coat, and carries a gun of course. The Hunter may have an actually name in future chapters but since I couldn't think of one
I left it alone. He's rude but he cares about others; giving Lilly a warning on what Mike could do.
The Chapters are divided into Sections, there's probably going to be only two since I don't plain on making a third one.
Section 2 in incomplete anyways.
Symbol Guide |
" " |
Talking |
"( )" |
Thoughts |
Section 1: At The Beginning
Contains Chapters 1 - 9
Note: At first the first chapter wasn't going to be so long but since I added on how Lilly finds out Mike's name. It became
very long. So, the chapter is like an extended version.
Symbol Menu: " " - talking ' ' - thoughts
Section 2: Night of Terror
Contains Chapters 10 - 16
Note: This section is not finished, only the first chapter in this section is finished. Chapters 11 - 16 only have short summaries
since I was planning to make more but lost interest. The ideas on future chapters only lasted up to 16 since that was
how far I thought of ideas.