Penny: The Winged Hamster

Added Date: *Sept 25, 2013
Rating: A (For Anyone)
Genres: Adventure, Action, & Fantasy
A remake of my old Melon Ham fan-fic; Hamtaro The Movie:
A New Ham-Ham (that is available to read on my biggest site: Spat and Harmony Heartbreak since I had a big
crush on Spat in the past, Melon felt that way as well) but now the name has changed to Penny. She is a pet
hamster who hates being locked up in cages and will do anything to get out, owned by a small girl named Sydney.
Hamtaro and Oxnard are excited to see a new hamster in town but a hamster named Mainyu kidnaps her! From a
hamster who lives in a village (called Ham-Ham Village) she tells Penny to leave the village in case Mainyu strikes
again. So, Penny goes on an adventure to escape from his evil grasp.
*It was added to it's mini site on Sept 25, 2013 but the story and the mini site didn't get announced on MPS until Oct 8th of the same year. When Melon's Personal Site was around I hosted my stories through mini sites that linked to MPS.
The Past and Present of The Story
At first the title of this story was going to be 'Melon: The Winged Hamster' but since I decided to change her
name to Penny later on it became what the title is now. I stuck with the same idea that I used in my old fic
with her being able to get her wings which is how the title came but then I got the idea for Penny to be able
to transform into a wolf from an ex-friend of mine and decided to add his character to the story as well but then
things got out of hand.. so then I made Hunter (that was sadly a replacement since I didn't like the idea for his
character to be in the story anymore..). The story is mixed up.. with adding hamsters being able to transform
into wolves even though it doesn't make sense with the part on how Penny got her wings in the first place and
has nothing to do with a soon to be winged hamster since I no longer wanted her to be a hamster who can
transform into a wolf but kept Hunter and Mainyu. If I took out the two wolf-hams then there won't be any
reason to keep Rebecca as well.. since her and Hunter are friends and how Mainyu is her enemy. Even if the story
is mixed up and isn't the greatest reason on how Penny got her wings in the first place... I still want to keep it and
see if other people than myself like it as well. Besides, it's a lot better than Hamtaro The Movie: A New Ham-Ham.
As I look back at that fic.. it's even more messed up than this one and doesn't have Penny being obsessed over
someone. I was so weird back then XD but oh well, as the years go by you get better at stuff.
I was going to let Penny meet Hamtaro and Oxnard in order for her to be able to be invited to the clubhouse
but I had a hard time thinking of an ending so I decided to create an ending similar to the endings of the Hamtaro
episodes where Laura and Hamtaro go to sleep, which wasn't hard at all. Even though it's not mentioned in the
story; along with Penny, Sydney is also sleeping. If I ever plain on continuing this story then Penny will be able
to meet the ham-hams but since the story line doesn't fit with Penny getting her wings, I probably won't.
The images for their profiles are old drawings that I drew back in 2010. Hunter and The Old Women's
images aren't available since I didn't create them until later but when I make better images for the
characters in the future I will but for now enjoy what I have. The characters; Hamtaro and Oxnard
are in the story but aren't my characters since this story is fan-made from the anime show; Hamtaro
so I will not be making profiles for those characters.

Name: Penny
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Height: 7.5 cm
Crush: None
Species: Hamster/Winged Hamster
Fur Color: White and Brown
Penny is the main character. She is a pet hamster who hates being locked up in cages and will do
anything to get out, owned by a small girl named Sydney. Penny, Sydney and her Mom move to
the same town as Hamtaro and his friends. Living on the opposite side of Kana's house, where
Oxnard lives. Willing to do anything to get out of her cage, she is over heard by a mysterious
winged hamster named Mainyu who breaks her free from her caged life but at the same time
kidnaps her. After meeting Rebecca, Penny goes on a journey to escape from Mainyu in case
he strikes again and soon meets Hunter, a friend of Rebecca. As her and Hunter go on a
journey together to retrieve the mystical crescent stone, that is until Mainyu appears.

Name: Mainyu
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 9.7 cm
Crush: Penny
Species: Wolf/Winged Hamster
Fur Color: Grey and White
Mainyu is a winged hamster and wolf hamster hybrid who kidnaps Penny. Being able to possess
blue lighting that comes from his body which he can control. He has a crush on Penny but he
does not mention why but Penny doesn't have the same feelings for him as he does. Later on
in the story it is known that he used to be a normal hamster but was taken captive by a human
who cursed him into what he is now. Unlike normal wings, Mainyu's wings aren't just for flying.
He's able to use his wings like a second pair of paws, only stronger, being able to break Penny's
cage door off it's hinges, even though it was locked.

Name: Rebecca
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Green
Height: 7.7 cm
Crush: Hunter
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: Brown and White
Rebecca is an archer who protects the Ham-Ham Village from Mainyu. She helps Penny escape the raging
Mainyu in his wolf forum and takes her to the Ham-Ham Village's hospital. Rebecca tells Penny to leave the
Village in case Mainyu comes back, trying to find her. Later on in the story, it's known that her and Hunter
used to be good friends but ever since that night Hunter became a wolf hamster, Rebecca was too afraid
to see him again which separated them. She fights off Mainyu to get revenge for what he did to Hunter.
The only way Rebecca would ever see him again is if he returned to normal.
Sorry, this profile image is not available.
Name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 8.6 cm
Crush: Rebecca
Species: Wolf Hamster
Fur Color: Orange and White
Hunter is an archer who used to be good friends with Rebecca but ever since he became a wolf hamster
by Mainyu biting him, the two have been separated because of Rebecca's fear towards him. He helped
Penny by giving her some sunflower seeds after she fainted from hunger. Hunter has a gentlemen type of
attitude so he's very gentle and helpful but his wolf hamster anger gets the best of him that he has to
apologize quite often. After Penny mentions Rebecca, it's known that he loves her and became an archer
since he was inspired by her archery. His fur is very fluffy and soft and ever since he became a wolf
hamster, his tail became similar to a wolf's.
Sorry, this profile image is not available.
Name: The Old Women
Gender: Female
Eye Color: N/A
Height: N/A
Crush: None
Species: Hamster
Fur Color: Grey
The Old Women doesn't have a big appearance unlike the other characters but does play an important
rule in the story. She's an old hamster who holds the map that lends to the mystical crescent stone.
Penny knows about her from Rebecca who once saved her from Mainyu. The Old Women has a
special ability to read a hamster's paw so she knows if their lieing or not since she's blind and knows
if that hamster has a pure heart or an impure heart. Since she read that Penny has a pure heart
she gladly gave the map to her.
There's a total of 16 Chapters for this story. The chapters have been divided into two pages.
Symbol Guide |
" " |
Talking |
' ' |
Thoughts/Quotations |
[ ] |
Author Notes |
Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 16