Melon's Blog


Wolf Hamster
WH Chapters
Penny: Winged Ham
P Chapters
Icy's Nightmare
IN Chapters

Spat and Harmony

Legendary Birds

Melon's Island

Layout Works Best in Google
Chrome and Internet Explorer

A Few Minor Changes in Firefox

Found on Webs' version of MB as the most recent look on there. This layout came in between the first and second old layouts.

Hello and Welcome to..

Melon's Blog :D Which is formally known as Melon's Personal Site or MPS for short. Now it has a new name :3 I decided to make a blog, plus make a home for most of my stories that where on Melon's Stories, the mini site that used to connect with MPS. Not only is this site a place to make my stories still read-able but I decided to make a blog in the first place is so that I can add any announcements that I'd like to make or need to make (when a problem happens) since Legendary Birds had an issue recently, one that makes it hard to announce to the visitors (especially when there's more than a little to explain). The other announcements are for when updates are approaching. Because of this, like MPS, MB will also be connecting to my active sites.

Blog Entries

Quick Links: First Entry: Legendary Birds Problem l Second Entry: New Layout

Third Entry: Moved

Wednesday - Jan 27, 2021

It's been weeks but I have found a good host that is similar to Webs in some ways. My first option was Byehost but the way one logs in isn't normal and having three of my sites hosted on there already and having a fourth site that connects a site to a certain set of numbers (like how LB has 12 in it's address) would be more of a problem and then there's what happened to LB since Byehost only lets their costumers have php so to prevent another problem like that I've been making copies of every page that Byehost hosts and with Webs going down in March that just leaves me more copying (not to mention moving pages and many images as well) to do. So I'm very thankful that I found a good one for MB. I actually already moved many splashes and previous layouts to this host for MI and LB. And that host is.. *drum roll* Neocities! :D I think it might be the new Yahoo! Cities since it used to be a site host but went down many years ago. If so then it returned with a new name. It does have a 1 GB size limit for each free account but I haven't went over it yet and it's not like MB is going to be a big site one day. It's going to stay small but have some growth, especially since I want to update my stories that are on here. Icy's Nightmare is incomplete and only Icy's profile image is available, so I need images for three characters. A remake for Wolf Hamster is in progress and with it I'll need to make a profile and an image for Miles and update images for the rest of the characters that are there so far and make profiles and images for new characters. For Penny: The Winged Hamster I might redraw profile images for every character that has one and make profile images for those who don't. At least those who don't have an image.
Anyway, when Webs is about to go down.. this is the new address. With Melon's Blog being small if didn't take long so everything is on there like it is on Webs.