Melon's Blog

Neocities Profile

This page has the blogs that used to be on Home but have been moved as really big pages can create slowness and since I rather not keep it up anymore. The entries that are in the quick links are on here (in order to see which ones are here and for pointing one to the right entry on LB). In order to see the rest of them go to Home.

Quick Links: Accounts Suspended Again D: (Fixed) l LB, MI & SHH are Down.. (Fixed) l Third Entry: Moved l Second Entry: New Layout l First Entry: Legendary Birds Problem

Accounts Suspended Again D: (Fixed)

Thursday - June 10, 2021

Since I decided to update Zapdos Merch on LB (and a few other things, that I forgot to add when I made that update back in May), that site and my other sites just had to go down again.. This happend on the 4th or earlier and I got LB back online yesterday but the other two are still offline, though the account for MI isn't suspended but it has a 502 Bad Gateway error or it would be up by now. With LB, I found out that I was wrong about Sitting Cuties being the reason for the previous downfall, apparently it's cutiest since I method on the item's summary that it's the cutiest one out of all the Zapdos plushies. Which is very close to cuties, at least it seems like it is since Byehost never had a problem with Moltres Merch which also has a Sitting Cuties plush so it's in there and is typed in as one word everytime I mention it so it makes sense. Even so, so a third downfall doesn't happen, I'm gonna make another account on Byehost in order to test it out but it's going to be connected to my other e-mail so it also makes sense about why the heck all three would go offline because of one site having a problem, because all three do share the same e-mail. I'm gonna test out that guess of mine too to make sure I'm right. But back to LB, since the fact that I mentioned that they could remove the problem themselves if I couldn't.. they really listened to it.. since the reply ended up being that they decided to remove the whole page (yes, Zapdos Merch) because of one word. It's really great that I kept making copies of LB's pages in order to not lose anything or this problem would be really bad, so I just used the copy of that page and added it without that plush since back then I didn't realize that cutiest was the culprit but even so, it's just a guess that it was the reason. It's a good one though. I just don't want to have to go through the same problem again in case I am wrong. But to think that Byehost would just be like "Oh no, it has a bad word! That page must be deleted!" and then actually do it. Even though what I said before was what probably made that happen, I thought that they could at least remove the 'bad word' or just tell me remove it and then they could take away that account suspension in order to let me do that and if I didn't do it in a matter of a few days at least then it'll be suspended once again. Byehost has stupid rules that must be followed in order to use them as a host.. Reminds me of other stupid rules that aren't that bad but people make them out to be so terrible. People like that are funny that sometimes one just has to laugh at their stupidity. Like I did with the previous entry, I'll update this entry when the other sites are back and what happened with them.

Edit 6/11: Both of them aren't back but.. Melon's island is! With Byehost I got three replies back from when I told them about that 502 Bad Gateway error. They said that they need to get to second line support and will get back to me soon. Then how the solution to the problem will be resolved soon and the last one is about how maintenance was in progress for free hosting (which is what I use for all three of my sites) and how I can check again in 48 hours or less to see if MI is online. For SHH they said the same thing at first as they did with MI about getting second line support but on the other reply they told me there's apparently an error that the abuse filter detectors found with this one page; Ham-Ham Heartbreak O.o Why did that page become a problem with them? I thought it went down because of it's attachment with LB like with MI.. The last time I updated that page was in 2/4/19 and that's the first time that I made an update on there after the move from Webs.. I might've fixed an error that was on that page later on and maybe that's why it's a problem but I think that was before 2021. Strange.. I'll update this entry again when the problem with SHH is resolved -.-

Edit 6/17: Since Ham-Ham Heartbreak has been removed since it has at least one banned word, SHH is back. Though it took more time than I thought since I thought that removing cutiest from Zapdos Merch on LB wouldn't ban the site because of that page the third time but it did.. So I did not use a good solution to add cuties by using this instead; SittingCuties or it has to do with at least one of the image's titles which has a few possibilities of being banned. So MI went down again because of LB. And in order to revive LB again, Zapdos Merch was removed by them.. again.. It seems like they just cannot remove the banned word/s. After I got LB up, I restored that page again but I have to hold off on adding Zapdos Sitting Cuties again.. I really don't know why they don't have a problem with Moltres Merch now o-o but I'm guessing that if I edit that page again then yet another suspension to that account will happen the fourth time, well if I leave that plush on there after editing it. I got MI back easily so yay :D Then with SHH, Byehost had a problem with Ham-Ham Heartbreak again and I decided to let them remove the page since they could not tell me what word/s on there they consider as being banned because of security reasons.. T_T They could've just removed the banned word/s, which would let me gain access to that account again but nooo, the whole page has to come falling down. Since I have no idea what word/s it could be that's cauing the stupid abuse filter detectors I can't simply put it back up.. so since I already created the test account on Byehost to see what I can have on my sites and what I can't from guessing and knowing that cuties is a banned word, I'm testing out what the page and what the page didn't have during it's time on Webs. I've found out from that version that the fact that I referred to Spat and Harmony as being cuties was there from when I moved SHH and why that first ban happened. Like with SHH, I'm also testing out a safe way to add those Sitting Cuties plushies. I started testing on the 13th and as of now I'm testing out 4 different things. No suspension to that account yet. Note that the test account is linked to my other e-mail, not the one that my other sites are linked to.