Melon's Blog


My Sites
My Collections
MB's History
Random Stuff
Wolf Hamster
WH Chapters
WH Chapters: Page 2
WHR Chapters
WHR Chapter 4 & 5
Penny: Winged Hamster
P Chapters
P Chapters: Page 2
Icy's Nightmare
IN Chapters
Helios/Pegasus Shrine
Lucifer (TV Show) Shrine

Spat and Harmony

Legendary Birds

Melon's Island

Layout Works Best in Google Chrome
Almost Works Best in Internet Explorer
Some changes in Firefox

Does not Work Well in Mobile (Not Recommended)

Link Back Buttons

Small updates can be added without announcing them.

Online from 2020 - 2024
On Neocities since Jan 4, 2021

Edited from various Hamtaro sprites

Hello and Welcome to..

Melon's Blog :D Which is formally known as Melon's Personal Site or MPS for short. Now it has a new name :3 I decided to make a blog, plus make a home for most of my stories that where on Melon's Stories, the mini site that used to connect with MPS. Not only is this site a place to make my stories still read-able but I decided to make a blog in the first place is so that I can add any announcements that I'd like to make or need to make (when a problem happens) since Legendary Birds had an issue recently, one that makes it hard to announce to the visitors (especially when there's more than a little to explain). Instead of announcing upcoming site updates in a blog, the Updated Site Status will say 'Update Coming Soon' instead by which site will have one. This started to take effect on 6/1/21 as an edit in the 'LB, MI & SHH are Down.. (Fixed)' blog entry. Because of this, like MPS, MB will also be connecting to my active sites.

Note that some of the updates on MB's account include work that may not involve the site. Which involves work with my other sites and other things. Though with every edit that I make, Neocities counts it as updating the site but that only has to do with the account being involved.

Updated Site Status
What is this? This little list tells the viewers on which site/s have been updated recently and if they aren't, tells when the site was last updated. And when an update is coming soon.

Spat and Harmony Heartbreak: Updated on March 2025
Legendary Birds: Updated on Oct 2024
Melon's Island: Updated on Aug 2024

Blog Entries

Edit 8/15/24: Some entries (the first five) have been moved to another page. Click the page for more details.

Quick Links: Webs' Shutdown l The Penny Layout! l EDIT: Another Update for MB l Melon's Island is on Hold & MB Update l What Happened to Ham-Ham Heartbreak? l MB Gets an Update! l Announcements l Guide to Byehost (Updated)

Revamped Layout

Wednesday - Dec 18, 2024

Some time after the lastest update I got tired of how the navigation can overlay the content in screens that are smaller than my desktop's as I have a very wide one. This actually started with the 2nd layout x.x I wanted the navi to be scroll-able to make the height of it lower and wanted it to be a fixed position so one wouldn't have to scroll back up just to get to a page. But with the content using tables the navi ended up covering some of it. I went through a few methods (or more) in order to get it the way I want without it overlaying and at last.. I finally did it! :D I I think the visitors could have had an issue with seeing what was in the content on the old layouts as upon seeing it on my laptop it might've covered it D: Upon moving from a laptop to a desktop that problem occured. That problem was around for years since I didn't think it was a problem with visitors back then ^^;/was planning on getting a screen with less width but changed my mind years later. Using tables for the content is no more now but during those times some of the pages used more than one for each section these are those pages (which I typed down to know that those pages where like that so I won't forget); Home, Wolf Hamster, Penny: Winged Hamster, & Icy's Nightmare. Home had a space between "Hello and Welcome to.." and "Blog Entries". WH had a space after the "Wolf Hamster Bonus (Original Only)" section and before the characters from the remake (so they where between each other), another space between it's chapters from the remake, & yet another space between the characters & chapters. That makes 5 tables as that story has two versions. For Penny: Winged Ham it had a space after "The Past and Present of The Story" section that was between that and the characters & another space that was there before chapters. Icy's Nightmare had a space after "Hidden Bonus" that was between that and the characters & then one more before the chapters, being between the characters and the chapters. So the pages both have three tables. I did that since it was neat to see the gradient background in between each table :) but that couldn't be done with this revamped layout.. But I'm pleased to announce, even though it might be obvious.. I have finally added a banner to MB!! ^o^ Yay, Penny! It's very different from my usual ones since it's an image with a transparent background and had to make it very small to fit it well but I'm pleased with the results :3 That image marks the first time I added something online that I colored in on my computer tablet! But it's actually the fourth one I ever did. My idea of how to color it in changed upon getting a tablet ^^ I couldn't get the site's title and Neocities profile link to stay in the center but oh well. I also add sections to the navi since it got big enough and thought of good ideas for what each section will be called, Penny head sprites where added to the section's headers as well ^-^ Because of adding sections I added a line between the last page and the start of my other sites so there won't be any confusion.