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day - 2022

Version 2: Love and Hate is SHH's 2nd layout so after Heartbreak REMASTERED comes the upgraded version of Love and Hate and I actually started to use the & symbol :O Used it for the site's name as well. This layout is really different from the others isn't it? With it's & symbol, bigger width on the content, the drop down menu is back as well. Haven't used it since Version 20 and compared to that one it's been upgraded with it been fixed so it's always at the top even when one scrolls and it's transparent :D The content's text is also a little bigger and decided to use broken heart symbols for updated pages instead of the new blinkie. Since the content is bigger this area is also bigger in width. And what's this? A mobile navigation? Yes for mobile users, making that navigation box is the only way to navigate on mobile since the drop down menu definitely doesn't work well on there and for some reason it ends up being too far to the right of the screen and it ends up being cut off o-o I'm a mobile user myself and phones are very popular these days. I know there's a mobile version for css that would make changes in mobile only but I have no idea how to do that now.. Maybe someday. I actually changed HHP's button after all of these years of the using the previous one XD Now on to the updates..

Free Layouts: After being under construction for a long time four layouts appear and they're all based on four of those old ones that used to be around but when images that make up layouts ends up being gone redos are made and that's what they are. It used to be three only but.. I wanted four.
Magic: After many years more magic is added! Two for Spat and three for Harmony all from Ep 130 and 244. For some reason I never added any type of magic from 244 (other than that image from Love Attack) but now that's changed :) There might be one for Harmony from the Hiragana Special but I'm not 100% sure, I'll have to take a closer look at that.
Extra Fun: The 'A Closer Lookie' section has been updated after years and years with an updated image and I added more; a full view of all the hammies and other animals at Oxnard and Pepper's wedding. Plus closeups of Spat and Harmony which are most likely as good as I'm gonna get them since they're so far away, especially Spat. So, he might look strange and the images are blurry since I zoomed in.
Past Layouts: Page 2: A small update.. but it's still there. I redid that hiatus image that was around for a limited time before Version 8 came.
Harmony Merch: Another small update, added a better photo of the Harmony Figure Pack so I replaced it with the old one.
Episodes: Now there's a revamped version of Ep 232 that is called English Sub (Final Revised). Note that I did not give it that name but this could be the last one. Unlike the other one it has a karoke for the opening and ending with Japanese and English lyrics :D The editing of the subs and timing are most likely upgraded from the previous version. I added the link from Ham-Ham Paradise so if it becomes an issue with the staff or it's owner, I'll remove it. Not sure if I can use their's or would have to upload it to MEGA in order for one to download it, though with their's one can actually watch the episode online. It's like this with many of the other eps and other Hamtaro media on HHP. If doing this goes well maybe I'll do this for the other episodes. That ep actually came on HHP's tumblr back in December of 2020 I think.. so it's a really late addition but it's there.

Attention Harmony fans, I have awesome news before I end this update! For those who don't visit HHP's tumblr at all or not much an annoucement was made on what the staff and the sub team are planning on doing this year which are many things that have to do with Hamtaro media but the best one is that the Hiragana Special.. is going to be subbed in English!! :DD I said earlier that I doubt it'll happen but it is! Though even though it might not be done this year they do want to so it's gonna be at some point and I'll gladly add it to SHH when it comes and when I can :)


About this Layout

Firefox Changes: The broken hearts are dark pink (though it's different from it's mobile counterpart) but the hearts remain unchanged.. strange. It also has a black scrollbar since I chose black as it's background color when the image isn't around.
Internet Explorer Changes: Minor change with the text in the Mobile Navi but the content borders are gone D:

Mobile Changes: The heart symbol is red and broken heart symbol is dark pink. Headers that have different styles than Arial become Arial. The content text in the update blog is bigger, one that easily tell when comparing to the text that is on the outside of it. The dropdown menu is very off by going too far to the right (covering up a small part of "For You" and covers up "Site Status" completely) and has lines in between the pages wether it's hovered or not. The menu can actually be used but since part of it is covered up it's the best option when navigating. The banner and footer has a very thin pink or redish line on the Harmony parts but it only goes part of the way (on the banner it's on the bottom, on the footer it's at the top). The best way to view it is the horizontal way as the original makes some of the text hard to read.

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