
Melon's Blog


My Sites
My Collections
MB's History
Random Stuff
Wolf Hamster
WH Chapters
WH Chapters: Page 2
WHR Chapters
WHR Chapter 4 & 5
Penny: Winged Hamster
P Chapters
P Chapters: Page 2
Icy's Nightmare
IN Chapters
Helios/Pegasus Shrine
Lucifer (TV Show) Shrine

Spat and Harmony

Legendary Birds

Melon's Island

Layout Works Best in Google Chrome
Almost Works Best in Internet Explorer
Some changes in Firefox

Does not Work Well in Mobile (Not Recommended)

Link Back Buttons

Small updates can be added without announcing them.

Online from 2020 - 2024
On Neocities since Jan 4, 2021

Edited from various Hamtaro sprites

Neko Page

This is a page where the cat (Neko) at the top left corner of this page can run around and play chase the mouse (the cursor) whenever he/she is clicked (from what I know of it doesn't have a gender). To stop playing with Neko, click it again and it'll run back to the top left corner. This kitty is so cute that I add to get my own <3 Found it while browsing through a site that is also hosted by neocities (like MB). If you want your own, click here. That's where I got mine :3 There's a variety of colors to chose from, mine is called Socks. I may move Neko on Home instead in the future but for now the kitty will stay here.