
Hello and welcome to the Legendary Birds! A Pokemon Fan site introducing my most favorite Pokemon; Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos.

Peaceful Flight

Got the idea from the 16th layout on my Spat and Harmony Heartbreak site except instead of the content being close to the left hand side of the screen I created the layout to be inches away since it seems better this way. The banner idea was completely different at the start. I thought I would need to add more images of the birds since the screen shot wasn't enough but as the banner was almost done I no longer needed to add more. And it turned out better than I thought it would be with the screen shot I chosen with the birds flying peacefully with Lugia since they realized that he is no longer a threat to them. ^-^ Which I thought of the layout title instantly :3

This layout is way better than the past ones. To tell you the truth I was losing faith in updating LB with those old layouts; the ones that feature one bird for each layout (Example: Version 4: Moltres Version, etc). I'm so glad to have a fresh new layout for the site <3 I love this one! ^o^ Even though it's kind of plain it's still quite beautiful to me ;)

This is how Version 7 looked like in full view. The update frame is screen printed below before it's colored for the next layout so it will never be lost. Note that the links no longer work cause I removed the page links since the pages won't work anyways since this layout is kept in a separate folder. Note: The original update frame picture is lost.. so I redid it.