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19th Layout

Main Colors: Red and Pink
Header Font Comic Sans MS
Heartland Font Credit: Dafont

SHHB's second Valentine's Day layout, an advanced style of Version 8: Sweet Love which is the first. The first choice for this layout was a way different idea which I had trouble on the idea cause it was hard thinking of what the layout would look like with that idea. Not sure what the idea even was (probably cause I forgot) XD I then got the idea from Harmony-fan on the chat box to make a Valentine's Day layout, one way better than Version 8. Even though I couldn't think of a good title when I started. I did want to use the same layout code as the previous one but then I'd have to deal with those scroll bars again which I really didn't want to bother with, so I used one of the free layout templates I made, used a header from another one added the site coding (the affiliates hover code, the add SHHB to favorites code, and so on), added the color, made the images and added them also and there you have it :D

Ideas on the layout just came to me (like all before made layouts), like putting heart sprites at the beginning of each page link. Yeah, I got the idea from Kitty-Ham on HHF and the idea went great with this layout. But the heart sprites beside the chat box rules link and the more affiliates link is something I thought of myself.

Note that the chat box is only an image since I'm going to change the color to match the next layout anyways. The image was taken when the SHHB went on hiatus for it's 20th layout on August 21, 2011 which started on the 20th. The chat box is a lot bigger in height than the other ones since I needed to make it that way for the right menu. Also note that I took out the page links since this is a layout from the past except for the chat box rules and affiliates. Those would be the only links that are going to work.


Ham-Ham Paradise
Ham-Ham Friends
Hamu-Hamu Village
Ham-Ham Fan Games
Hamtaro and Bijou Forever
Hamtaro Friends 4 Games
Ham-Ham Island
Maxwell's Library
Sunflower Garden

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(Chatbox Image Used to Be Here)
Chat Box Rules


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