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Spat and Harmony Heartbreak © 2008 - 2009 - All Rights Reserved - Site Created by Melon

13 Layout

Main Colors: Autumn Colors
Header Font: Comic Sans MS

OMG! VERSION 13!! 8DD I found this old layout when I searched of course :3 I can't get my past layouts that I didn't keep anywhere else. I was just working on SHHB's next layout (Version 23) which isn't complete yet but I used some background images that I used in Version 13 to test out the layout and thought of archiving the site. After finding Version 10, I happened to find Version 13 as well while viewing that layout's pages to see if I could find more old layouts which I did when I clicked 'Affiliates' and BAM! Version 13's view of the page appeared!! ^w^ I was very happy once again.. but the banner image wasn't available.. D: So, I got another copy of the banner that is a screen-shot of the layout. When I tried using it though, it wasn't big enough so I did some editing to make the small version of the banner as good as it can get. I had no choice but to use that image since I most likely deleted the original DX so it's not 100% back to it's original look. The screenshot of the original is sadly gone :<

Note that the chat box below is only an image since I'm going to change the color to match the next layout anyways. Except this one is an example since I have another account for coloring scrollbars and other stuff. So, I didn't use the original one. The Chat Box coloring probably isn't the original coloring when this layout was new but I tried. Also note that I took out the page links since this is a layout from the past except for the chat box rules and affiliates. Those would be the only links that is going to work. But a few of the affiliates sadly don't work anymore D: